This book will tell you that these numbers #1, #2, and #3 are the most important numbers in our life.
So, this book will help you to understand that there are three most important phases of the life:
Phase #1– When we are single
Phase #2– When there are two of us
Phase #3– When we become three of us; from which there is no turning back for the rest of our life.
So, what we have to understand is that the phase in which we are two of us is the:
most exciting phase of life,
most wonderful phase of life,
and most enjoyable phase of the life.
Our parents help us to plan for phase 1 and we also plan for the same.
But then we look forward to entering the phase 2 of our life since our teenage life as we hope that it will lead to long-term relationship, partnership or marriage.
It is very important in 2021 to plan our life.
It means that there is a right time for everything.
There is a right time to enter college.
There is a right time, age, and phase of the life when we want companionship.
But one thing a couple does not realize is that, they really have to decide what is the right time to become three of you because there is no turning back.
In 2021, phase 3 is a huge commitment. So, to analyze phase 1, 2, and 3, please read this book.
In 2020, there is only one reason for the sudden death, and that is "Heart Attack". That too can be postponed by 15-30 years with 3 basic tests.
Similarly, there are other factors also which decrease our lifespan. For example:
If we smoke then we will get lung cancer in 20 years.
If we drink excessively, liver will fail in 20 years.
If Hba1c = 10/11 or blood sugar is approx. 300 (with no symptoms), then kidney will fail in 15 years.
If we exercise everyday, we can delay memory loss.
If we do knees exercise, they will be good till 70-75 years.
If we have high cholesterol with no symptoms, it will dramatically increases the risk of heart attack.
Increased BP (with no symptoms) will lead to sudden stroke where half of the body gets paralyzed (right side of the body gets paralyzed and patient loses speech also).
In our day to day life we have simple steps to deal with these conditions as we have simple yearly tests available. We must have awareness about all these tests.
If we get these regular tests done at recommended interval and maintain our numbers within the normal range, then we can add 15-30 years healthy to our life, and extend lifespan up to 85 years.
আমাদের শারীরিক ও মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য এবং আমাদের দীর্ঘজীবনের জন্য ভাল করে ঘুমোনো কতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তা সম্পর্কে প্রত্যেককেই ভালভাবে সচেতন হওয়া উচিত । এই বইটি ঘুমের প্রকল্পগুলির নীম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলির উপর:
•আমাদের আসলে কত ঘুম দরকার ??•এন আর ই এম এবং আর ই এম ঘুমের চক্রের পর্যায়•যখন আমরা ঘুমোয় কী হয় ??•ঘুমের অভাবে আমাদের কী হতে পারে?•অনিদ্রার লক্ষণ এবং এটি মোকাবেলার উপায়•রাতে ভাল ঘুমের জন্য কি করা উচিত•বার্ধক্য, ভ্রমণ, জেটল্যাগইত্যাদির উপরে ঘুমের প্রভাব
இகூடுதல் ஆற்றலை சேமிப்பதில் இன்சுலின் மிகவும் முக்கியமானது கிளைக்கோஜன் கல்லீரல் மற்றும் தசைகளில்.
நமக்கு உணவு கிடைக்காதபோது இந்த ஆற்றலை பயன்படுத்தலாம். இது நம் உயிர்வாழும் வழிமுறை.
கல்லீரல் மற்றும் தசைகள் ஒரு வங்கியைப் போல செயல்படுகின்றன கூடுதல் சக்தியை கிளைகோஜனாக சேமித்து, பின்னர் இந்த கூடுதல் ஆற்றல் எதிர்காலத்தில் நமக்குத் தேவையான போதெல்லாம் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.
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