HomeDiabetesDiabetes Book 3.2- Sulfonylureas. 2nd generation medicine- English
Diabetes Book 3.2- Sulfonylureas. 2nd generation medicine- English
This book is one of the series of books on latest medications in relation to high blood sugar and diabetes.
Diabetes is so common and for the same reason there has been huge research in management and treatment of diabetes.
It is simple economics for research drug companies as diabetes is so common. If they make a new medicine, it will make the company very rich.
While drug companies are making new medications may be very rich, but it will keep us very healthy.
If our blood sugar is becoming higher, we can delay diabetes and complications by 30 years if we start management early.
This book introduces us to the new generation of sulfonylureas which help our body to increase the amount of insulin available to us.
Same description applies to book 3.1 diabetes also. We have just seen the number of the book. This book tells you about first generation sulfonylureas which is a group of medicines which helps our body to release and make available more insulin.
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$0.00This is a quick reference book from Add15Years to give you the important information about EmergencyContraceptive Pills (ECP). The main topics addressed are as follows:
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