Myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief.
While I understand, these myths have been prevalent for generations;
They gave hope to our friends and family members.
But, we have to understand that more than 100 years back, knowledge was very limited.
We need to weigh both risks and benefits equally whenever we try to treat any medical conditions by following old myths.
We did not have choices for the last several generations, but now we do have choices.
$0.00Everyone should be well aware about the importance of good sleep for our physical health, mental health, and for our long life. This book on sleep projects upon the following points:
The amount of sleep we really need
Stages of NREM and REM sleep cycles
Things happen to us during sleep
Harmful effects caused by lack of sleep
Insomnia symptoms and ways to deal with it
Recommendations to get good night sleep
Effects of factors like aging, travelling, jetlag etc. on sleep
$0.00Today, USA has become the country with maximum number of COVID-19 patients and maximumnumber of deaths in the world. This book presents:
The State-by-State Projections of COVID-19 cases in USA.
The statistics showing when will each state reach its peak in this pandemic situation for all thestates like Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Georgia, and more.
The tabular view for better understanding of the state wise projections on peak dates, bedshortages in hospitals, number of deaths on peak date, and number of cumulative deaths.
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